My first rails project.
For this project, we need to implement login/signup and using 3rd party to log in, here, I use github account to log in.
learn from my mistake:
- Setting up Github link for signning up. I follow the instruction from Devise Authentication Gide with Git Hub OmniAuth For Rails Application to set up the log in via github.
- set up the github ommiAuth
- copy the clientID and Client secret from github to config/initializers/devise.rb in config.omniauth :github, “client ID”, “client secret”
- create a callback_controller inherit from Devise::OmniauthCallbacksController
- add additonal column: provider, and uid into the users table
- in model : user add “omniauthable” under devise, and def a class method from_omniauth(auth), this method is called by callbacks_controller to authonticate the user from github
- in the login page, add the link to the github log in route
After complete all the settings, and run the application, I got an error: The action ‘github’ could not be found for Devise::OmniauthCallbacksController By googling this error message, I found out: since the program still looking for the default callback controller (OmniauthCallbacksController), and not the one you specify as callbacks_controller. to fix this issue, you need to update the routes.rb file to make the program to refer to your callback controller. in the routes.rb file: devise_for: users, :controllers => {registrations: ‘registrations’, omniauth_callbacks: ‘callbacks’}
After this update, the program can be login by github account.
- Scope usage
- scope is considered as a Class methods, it is not an instance method. previous delclare it as an instance method, and I kept on getting the errors. After google it, I understood that scope should be an class method. and it can be used to get the right objects from the database.
- for my rails project, I need to get all the items from a particular list. my scope is delcared as following: scope :get_list_items_of, ->(list) { where(“list_id == ?”,} and it can be called as a class method.