This project will be implemented in Sinatra Web framework with MVC application There are the following:
Controllers => all the routes are defined in the contorllers class, and the helper functions
ApplicationController - index.erb link to signup or login page
- UserController
- get ‘/signup’
- post ‘/signup’
- get ‘/login’
- post ‘/login’
- get’/logout’
- PropertyController
- get ‘/properties’
- get ‘properties/new’
- post ‘properties’
- get ‘properties/:id/edit
- patch ‘/properties/:id
- get ‘/properties/:id
- delete ‘/properties/:id
- UserController
- Models => the interface with database
- user: user_name, email, password, is_admin
- property: name, address, lease_starting_date, lease_ending_date, secuirty_deposit, rent, user_id (this is the foreign key)
user manages many properties property is managed by a user
- user: user_name, email, password, is_admin
- Views => render the web pages to display the result of requests from users
- users: - login => for the registered user to log in to this app - new => sign up as new user
- properties: - edit - index - new - show
Learned from the mistakes
- session
- if “session_secret” did not set or had typo, the newly added keys in the session can not be access in the other routes
- since the session is enabled, and session_secret is set, and the class User has macro : has_secure_password. When you save the user data without the password, this data record won’t be able to be saved into the database
- sinatra::flash
- I try to display the error message via sinatra flash. I follow the steps that listed in
- I did the following steps: a. install sinatra-flash b. insert ‘require sinatra/flash’ in the application_controller.rb file (since all the controller classes are inherented from application_controller class, sinatra/flash will be seen in all the inhrented classes) c. my application is inherented from Sinatra::Base, in order for sinatra/flash to work, I need to register Sinatra::Flash
after all the basic steps were completed, then I ran shotgun, I had encountered an error: loaderror: cannot load such file – sinatra/flash. I googled this error, no this particular error was posted. I found a post had loaderror with other file. According to this post, after update the Gemfile to include the specific gem that flaged the loaderror, then shotgun could run smoothly. I add “gem ‘sinatra-flash’ into the Gemfile, save it, and ran shotgun, it works as well.